Jonas Turns Two!

Today my little man turned two! And even though he has definitely hit the terrible twos, he’s still one of my finest accomplishments—and delights.

Speaking of delights, here are some of his! Jonas loves anything mechanical. One day this week we were watching a YouTube video of a kid taking apart a nerf gun (don’t ask…) and Jonas was intent on what he was doing. He loves parts and pieces and putting things together. Not to mention taking things apart. And breaking stuff. I digress…

He loves wheels, hammers, and trying to “pick locks” with Bobby pins. No, that’s not a joke.

He has the puniest appetite, it’s a wonder he hasn’t blown away from not eating, but he also has the most diverse and developed palette of any toddler I know. When I can get him to eat he loves everything from asparagus to mushrooms, mangoes to okra, and black beans to green peppers. He even fancies collard greens and kale on occasion.

Jonas totes his blanky everywhere. It comes with him to watch movies, on car trips, to nap time and everything in between. He loves his blanket so much we bought him an identical one so we could take the other one away to wash it. But then he found out there were two, so now he carries both.

Jonas helps with chores. He helps me throw laundry in the washer and drier; he wipes up spills and knows how to use the dust buster; he is learning to pick up his toys when he’s done; he is fascinated by the broom and vacuum.

Jonas has adapted well to being a big brother in the last two weeks. He still not quite sure what’s going on, but he tries to be helpful. He gives his little brother LOTS of kisses and brings him his pacy when he cries. He even pulls wipes out of the box for me during diaper changes.

It is the most wonderful thing to see him slowly emerging into consciousness and to see his personality taking shape. Albeit, with many tears and tantrums along the way. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Snuggling with me & Shepherd 

Probably watching Daniel Tiger with Earl the Squirrel 

Lifting in the garage with Dad—one of his favorite pastimes

Refusing to eat, but eager to explore

Followed by a rare photo of him actually eating his snack peacefully… probably because Arthur was on

Holding blanky and his new little brother

Helping Papa mow the yard

Giving Earl a hug

Oddly content, yet not amused shopping for groceries

Watching Cars 3 after a busy day outside; the last photo I took of him as an only child

My boys <3


  1. Happy Birthday Jonas! I am glad you are enjoying being a big brother.

  2. Happy 2nd Birthday, Jonas! And what a sweet and lovely family you have, Hunter! Jonas is adorable!
    Hope all is well with all of you and you look wonderful! Shepherd is a little angel! Love the shots of them together 🙂
    These days are long, but they go quickly, enjoy them! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Why have I stopped getting your post???? Love seeing Jonas grow and change and develop a real personality. Happy Birthday albeit late!

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