Life Update: One Month With Two Kids

Hello readers! It’s been a couple of weeks since I last posted for Jonas’ second birthday. Since then I’ve had help off and on with the transition into life with two kids at home. Thank goodness my husband had time off, my mom stocked my freezer with fallbacks, and my in-laws have helped with my toddler!

Technically, I had a brief stint with the “two under two” thing, but nothing has gotten easier since Jonas turned two. Haha!

Speaking of easier (and this is me talking without having spent a significant amount of time on my own with these munchkins), the transition hasn’t been as hard as I’d expected. Sure, I’m really tired, but that’s what coffee is for. And, yes, the house is looking sub par, but I’ve just learned to lower my expectations. And I definitely feel that tinge of guilt that I can’t give either of my kids my full attention for very long… but that’s the downside to multiple kids. Besides, blessed is the man whose quiver is full. (Or, whom at least has a spare arrow.)

How I’m Feeling

I’m not stressed and I’m not depressed. I don’t really have time for either these days. What I am is motivated. People keep asking me how I’m doing, expecting me to be draggy and disjointed. But, miraculously, I’m not! Since I’ve reclaimed my body from pregnancy, I feel great! I partly attribute that to my plant-based diet, but mostly it’s just being able to move agilely again. And coffee. Strong coffee.

am, however, on the lookout for postpartum depression and anxiety to rear its ugly head again. With my last child, I felt like superwoman for 10 months postpartum (much like I feel now)…. and then it hit. This time I plan to make the most of feeling my best and be prepared for the worst.

You can read more about my experience with postpartum depression and anxiety here.

What I’m Doing

Well. Honestly, I’m taking it slow. Not literally slow like rolling out of bed late and never getting around to putting real pants on slow. I’m taking it slow by being productive but in a restful way.

Every morning I get up and get dressed as soon as possible. I’ve started putting on a full face of makeup for the first time since… gosh.. high school? Just because it makes me feel more productive and gives me a fun way to motivate myself into the day ahead. Usually, getting myself dressed is the only thing I’m able to accomplish until about 10:00am. I get my toddler up after I’ve fed and changed the baby and feed him breakfast while I feed myself. We play a little bit and I let him watch a few cartoons while I plug in the coffee IV.

The rest of the day I just do one thing at a time as I’m able to find a free hand. If I can get both kids sleeping at the same time, I grab a 20 minute nap. Basically, I don’t expect too much of myself and my day is stress-free. I just make a small to-do list based on the theme for whatever day of the week it is (Monday is project day, Tuesday is laundry day, Wednesday is planning day, etc.) and accomplish them in a leisurely, non-obligatory manner.

Shepherd Is One Month Old!

And here is our little bean sprout! Turned one month old today. He looks just like his brother when he was an infant.

How Was the Transition for You?

Are you a new mom? Or new to two? Or just a mom in general? How was the transition for you? Easier than you thought or harder? How was it different transitioning to life with two kids? Or more! Please share your experience and advice! I love mom stories.


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