My Minimalist Bullet Journal Setup

I am a planner addict. No joke, writing trivial to dos and penciling in the most redundant tasks and events is my hobby. I enjoy planning SO much, in fact, that I haven’t been able to decide between using a planner and a bullet journal.

At one point I was using strictly a bullet journal and then switched to just using a planner for a while. I even wrote a post on the pros and cons of using a bullet journal and using a planner. Then I decided, why chose just one?? I can use both because I use them in completely different ways!

Today, I wanted to show you the minimalist bullet journal side of my planning life. Also, Jonas and his hammy hands wanted to be involved in this photo shoot. I couldn’t say no!

What’s in my bullet journal

I recently bought a six month extension pack for my Happy Planner and I’m obsessed. However, there are so many details in my life I love to track and plan that there simply isn’t room for in a traditional planner. This is where the supplemental use of a bullet journal saves the day.

My bullet journal layout changes slightly every month to suit whatever whim strikes me. This month it includes:

  • A monthly spread
  • A habit tracker
  • A meal planning page
  • A zone cleaning log
  • An activity planner for Jonas
  • A food diary
  • A sleep tracker
  • Dailies

How I bullet journal

I love looking at photos of decorative bullet journal layouts. I used to try to incorporate some fancy hand lettering and drawings in my journal. These days things have gotten a whole lot simpler. In fact, I would call what I’m doing a “minimalist bullet journal.”

In the small child season of life, I’ve taken to writing almost everything in pencil. Each day is so fluid and unpredictable that almost not a day goes by without something having to be changed or crossed out. So, rather than being precise with my favorite Staedtler pens, I make extremely basic spreads in pencil. I reserve the use of my pens for only a couple things that I like to color code, such as my habit tracker.

One day, I would love to get back to using my pens for everything bujo. *Daydreams of making schedules I can keep*…. But for now, the simplicity of a few penciled grids will have to do.

My March bullet journal pages

As I said, there are a lot of life details I enjoy tracking and planning that just won’t fit in a traditional planner. Here’s a brief explanation of what I’m bullet journaling this month:

Monthly Spread

This is where I keep a very general log of events and appointments. Simply for the purpose of having something quick to refer back to (without having to pull out my Happy Planner) when I am writing out my daily lists.

Habit Tracker

One of my favorite parts of bullet journaling is the habit tracker. My tracker reflects the goals I set for myself for 2018 with a few other bits thrown in there. I keep it color coded based on what area of life the habit is a part of. I also like to make tiny notes in pencil that indicate different things. For instance, how many servings of fruits and vegetables I’ve had that day, whether I am washing (W) or folding (F) laundry, an acronym of the book I read (SWC for The Strong Wilkes Child), and a note about which friend I want to text to check in on that day.

So far I’ve been pretty inconsistent. But I will shamelessly blame it on having a newborn for the time being. 😜

Activity & Play Date Planner

Here is where I keep brief notes on outings, play dates, and planned activities for Jonas. Next year, I’m hoping to start a preschool curriculum at home (which I will talk about some other time), but for now, I try to keep his time occupied with different things, people, and places.

Zone Cleaning Log

Each month I follow the FLY Lady’s Zone Cleaning Plan. My checklist is a lot simpler than hers, but I keep the general principle alive by working on one of five different zones each week. This week I’m working in zone 2, the kitchen.

Basically, I just write a basic list for each zone and check the to do items off as I get them done. Nothing more to it!

Meal Planner

Again, a really simple set up. I just use this page to plan our dinners each week. So far I haven’t had to plan much because our church has been bringing us dinner every other night for the last week and a half! (Something they do for families each time there’s a new baby!)

Sleep Tracker

Going to bed and waking up earlier has been a challenge for me my entire life. I have a particular affinity for this tracker because it motivates me to try harder. I made it so that my goal wake and sleep times meet in the middle of the page. At the end of the month, I convert the times to decimals, get an average and see if my average wake and sleep times for the month improved compared to the previous month.

Food Diary

I normally keep loose track of what I eat on Cronometer but this month I figured I would try an old fashioned handwritten log and not worry about tracking nutrients as much.


And finally, the ol’ daily lists. Nothing fancy here. I just like to write my top 3 priorities in first and then leave only a certain amount of space for other to do items so that I don’t overwhelm myself with tasks.

Again.. not a whole lot getting done with a newborn! But I’m learning to give myself a break. Keeping expectations low by writing in pencil has certainly helped. 😉


  1. Hi! I love your blog post. I’ve been looking at the Better Together Daily Pouch for a couple of days. I wanted to ask the dimensions of your journal and ask if it fits well in the pouch? Thanks!

    1. Author

      Hi Reina!
      I LOVE my Better Together Daily Pouch! I use the Moleskine Classic journal. Here is a link to it: Classic Moleskine Journal . It is 5×8.25 and fits perfectly in the pouch, along with all my pens, a stencil or two, post its, and anything else I need. I highly recommend!

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