A recent debate regarding my choice to be a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) has compelled me to construct a defense of my vocation. Or, rather, an apologetic. I have been loosely accused of being inflexible, lacking gratitude, living an unapologetically privileged lifestyle, not being a team player, making my husband shoulder an unbearable burden alone, and, heck, just flat out selfishness. My friend whom the conversation took place with is a working mom with strong beliefs in her choice and I respect that. We agreed to disagree and not let our point of divergence affect our relationship. In light of that, I took these criticisms as a jumpingRead More →

It may seem like I write a lot about the negatives of motherhood, and maybe that’s true; using words like “monotony,” “anxiety,” and “isolation.” But for good reason! There are some mornings I find myself scrolling through Instagram feeling totally defeated just because everyone else seems to have it together. I know it’s not true–even I put my best foot forward on social media–but somehow I still let myself believe I’m the only one struggling. So why am I being a downer highlighting the negatives? Well, I’m not. Do you really need one more voice telling you how well I’m getting along while you struggle? I just want to beRead More →

A common number I keep reading on the web is that about 10% of women experience postpartum anxiety and/or depression. This statistic sometimes includes a speculative clause that that number is probably higher, but many women don’t realize what they’re going through is normal and, therefore, don’t report it. Instead, they “white knuckle it” (as a friend of mine put it) alone for months or sometimes years at a time. Despite being a highly emotional person my entire life, I had utmost confidence that I wouldn’t be one of those weak 10-percenters. My confidence was undergirded by the fact that I had a natural birth (whichRead More →

When I began writing this post, I did a quick google search–“dating after marriage.” I chose the wrong phrasing, apparently, because the first three articles that popped up were titled: “Advice For Dating After Divorce,” “Dating After Divorce,” and “8 Things You Need To Know About Dating After Divorce.” WELL. That was certainly not what I was looking for. After dismissing the mistake and revising my wording a little bit (let’s try… dating after.. no.. dating your spouse. Yes, that’s what I meant) the irony of the situation hit me and completely changed my opening illustration for this article. WHY is it that “dating after marriage” is synonymous with.. “divorce”?Read More →

Thanksgiving has come and gone and I feel like we’ve barely had a minute to breathe before the Christmas trees start going up and lights appear everywhere. I decided to take a week long break from social media to enjoy family gatherings and it was refreshing. It’s so easy to forget how real the world is and how much there is to be thankful for when you live your life on the internet–family, traditions, feasts, and togetherness. Read More →

Why do they call it Labor Day?? After enjoying a really lazy weekend already, this morning my family has slept in, sipped our coffee, and had a FaceTime chat with family–no labor here! Okay, so we are actually planning on spending the rest of our day packing up to move in a couple of weeks so our lazy weekend is coming to a close. Looks like we will be spending the holiday working after all!Read More →

Before my son was born, I was ultra prepared for postpartum depression. Having always been a person ruled and driven by emotion, it was reasonable for me to expect a drastic spiral into this now well-known condition. But when the time came and I was sitting on my couch with a month old baby, when all the help had evaporated and I was left to fend for myself day in and day out, I felt…fine.Read More →