Welcome to a new series on Huntress At Home! So far this year, I’ve done two series that centered around my mission statement for Huntress At Home: Harboring a Warm & Peaceful Home Understanding & facilitating how my children learn & grow, aka, Intentional Parenting (If you would like to read the entire mission statement for Huntress At Home, check it out HERE!) My third goal is all about being a change agent for your home. Or, as I have coined it within my H.U.N.T.E.R. acronym: Naming and addressing areas for growth and improvement in my home and family. What do I mean by that?Read More →

This is the third installment in my series on Intentional Parenting. You can read about My Goals for 2019 here. So, I have a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics degree. I planned from the day I graduated on not only curating for myself the greatest diet ever, but also feeding my kids THE most optimal diet known to man. I just knew they would be the type to eat whatever I put in front of them. I would not have picky kids. I wouldn’t take no for an answer. And then I had said kids. And it all went to pot. Seriously, is there anythingRead More →

This is the second installment in my series on Intentional Parenting. You can read about My Goals for 2019 here. We have struggled with toddler tantrums and incessant whining for so long. So long that I don’t remember what life is without a background noise of ongoing lamentations and disaster. I literally cannot grasp the concept of there ever being a day again without it. We tried so many things to address the communication deficit. Jonas had speech therapy for a year. We disciplined, gave in, took away and pacified. And one day we realized we were at the end of our rope with a nooseRead More →

In honor of our upcoming trip to the homeschool conference, I decided to make this month all about my second goal for the year 2019: Intentional parenting. Or, more specifically: Goal #2: Understand and facilitate how my children learn and grow. (You can read more about My Goals for 2019 here.) Intentional parenting. What does that look like for you? Some days I feel like it’s this unattainable standard and other days I realize the fact that I’m involved with my kids at all (rather than farming them out to someone else) is a sign that I’m an intentional parent. This month I’ll be sharingRead More →

This is the fourth installment in my series on how I’m Harboring a Warm & Peaceful Home as part of my goals for 2019. And how you can, too! You can read about My Goals for 2019 here. (They also happen to be the new mission statement for Huntress At Home.) Let me start today off by asking you this: Are you reading this as you procrastinate on house work? Is it because housekeeping is such a headache with kids? I can’t be the only one who has made a bad habit of letting chores fall by the wayside because it’s just so difficult to do anything with a childRead More →

This is the third installment in my series on how I’m Harboring a Warm & Peaceful Home as part of my goals for 2019. And how you can, too! You can read about My Goals for 2019 here. (They also happen to be the new mission statement for Huntress At Home.) Today, I want to step on a few toes… including my own. I’m talking about husbands. It’s so easy to forget in the middle of caring for children, keeping a clean house, being involved in ministry and cooking dinner that, really, our HUSBANDS should be our first priority. We married them with the promise of putting them first,Read More →

This is the second installment in my series on how I am working on Harboring a Warm & Peaceful Home as part of my goals for 2019. And how you can, too! You can read about My Goals for 2019 here. (They also happen to be the new mission statement for Huntress At Home.) Today, I’m sharing with you how I get my chores done strategically in the morning and evening hours. Why? So that I can spend more time focusing on my children and my husband during the day! One of the reasons I wanted to be a SAHM was to have extra timeRead More →

On January 1st, I outlined My Goals for 2019, which are actually much simpler than in years past. In fact, I was able to reduce my resolutions into a simple acronym (H.U.N.T.E.R.–my name) and, really, it’s more of a mission statement. It has also become the mission statement for Huntress At Home! In order to apply each goal more comprehensively, I decided to focus on one each month for the next six months and then repeat them for the last six months. Today I wanted to share with you some ways I am applying my first goal in the month of January. Goal #1: HarborRead More →

The other day, I was contemplating the many hats I wear as a stay-at-home mom. I’m a chef and snack-purveyor. I’m a laundry service, nutritionist, playmate and maid. And I’m especially a teacher. But then I thought of something else. I’m not just a teacher; I’m also a student. And I’m here to tell you: Moms, study your kids.  Sometimes I get so caught up in a list of things I want to teach my boys that I can forget to sit back and watch them interact with their world. I can easily overlook their interests while trying to bridle them with my own agenda. Read More →

There was once a time when I kept my home immaculate. I enjoyed cleaning and swapping out decor, it was always sparkling, smelled gorgeous and was ready for any drop-ins. But then, two tots came along. *Cue the scary organ music.* Now the place is a heinous wreck half the time. And the tidy half only lasts about 10 minutes. I love my kids and wouldn’t change them for the world, but trying to maintain a nice home while looking after them and giving them the freedom they need to learn and play can be a task. Truly, an impossible task. On top of theRead More →