Welcome to part II of my series on Detoxing! If you haven’t yet, check out the first post in the series, 7 Day Detox: Why Detox?, and get inspired to start your own reboot experiment. The Secret To A Successful Detox Today, I want to give you the secret to detoxing successfully. Are you ready? You have to plan your meals, your snacks, your beverages, everything! Down to the last detail. If you skip this part or just gloss over it with generalities, you will set yourself up for failure! Knowing exactly what and about how much you are supposed to be eating ahead ofRead More →

Have you been feeling sluggish lately? Sleeping poorly or waking up feeling heavy? Barely making it through the afternoon without a nap? Perhaps it’s time to give your body a mild reset. One day last month I found myself once again pulling the tortilla chips out of the pantry for lunch…with a side of lemonade and yogurt (for the second time since 8am). Over and over I was finding myself reaching for the dairy, the plastic wrapped snacks, and anything that would just fuel me long enough to make it to the next meal, if you could call what I was eating a “meal.” TheRead More →

If your family is anything like mine on Thanksgiving, we really put out a spread. I’m talking 10 to 12 different dishes. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, salad, rolls, dessert… the works! But with so much happening in the kitchen, it quickly gets stressful trying to organize time and space to make sure everything has a spot in the oven or on the stove–not to mention making sure everything is ready for the table at the same time. It takes cunning and skill. Read More →

Every Monday is baking day for me, or, treat-making day to be more exact. I try to make something sweet and delicious the hubs and I can snack on all week instead of buying processed desserts and snacks. This week, I stumbled across a recipe for Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Muffins on the lovely Running with Spoons blog and said YES.Read More →

Happy Monday, Readers! I have had the house to myself all day because my husband had an overnight trip out of town. To begin with, I was a little bummed about hanging out by myself, but then I decided I really wanted to channel that time into not just some quality me-time, but also into something productive. Read More →