It may seem like I write a lot about the negatives of motherhood, and maybe that’s true; using words like “monotony,” “anxiety,” and “isolation.” But for good reason! There are some mornings I find myself scrolling through Instagram feeling totally defeated just because everyone else seems to have it together. I know it’s not true–even I put my best foot forward on social media–but somehow I still let myself believe I’m the only one struggling. So why am I being a downer highlighting the negatives? Well, I’m not. Do you really need one more voice telling you how well I’m getting along while you struggle? I just want to beRead More →

When I discovered bullet journaling, it instantly became my number one favorite pastime. I posted photos of my spreads on Instagram and had many people comment on how artistic I was and how they would never have time for something like that. I would thank them and, of course, tell them all about how great bullet journaling was and all the cool stuff I was doing with it. It was something that motivated me to be productive. I always looked forward to sitting down with a jar full of pens and making my plans. After spending lots of time with decorative detailings and fancy layouts,Read More →

A good chunk of my reader base includes fellow bloggers. I’m talking to you guys today and asking you if writing, though a passion, can really stress you out at times?! I love to write, but there are so many times that it puts a strain on me. Reasons: I know others are watching, I have self-imposed deadlines and spotty willpower when it comes to meeting them, I’m pressed for time, and it’s just plain hard. Writing is like working out; you really have to push yourself to start and it’s hard and not that fun…until you get going. Then you feel good and you enjoy it andRead More →

I recently took a hard look at the apps that had taken up residence on my phone and asked myself whether they were adding any value to my life or just taking up space or, worse, time. I think this is an especially important area to examine for value since things like apps aren’t tangible things–do the apps you’re using produce tangible benefits? I deleted a substantial number, but, in the end, there were several that I kept around because they’ve really helped me up my SAHM game. If you’re a SAHM like myself, you are probably always on a mission to level up your homemaking. Hold on toRead More →

We all know at the end of a long day or the completion of a big project, it’s important to reward ourselves. But how often do we take the time to enjoy something just because we made it through another day of chores or monotony? This is especially crucial for SAHMs! We so often forget to make time for ourselves (when we can) as we stay busy seeing to the needs of our families. But without taking time to celebrate our accomplishments, our motivation can begin to drop tremendously! We are wired to respond to incentives. Even small rewards can help keep you motivated.Read More →

We all have days when our motivation is shot. Days when it seems like the only things we want to do are watch Netflix and veg. Days like that can be good for our mental health, but sometimes I find that the day after a lazy day can send me into either panic mode trying to catch up or a perpetual state of laziness as I continue to put off getting back to the grind!Read More →

As often as I’m able to get up before the sun, I’ve been practicing the Miracle Morning–but with a twist. If you aren’t familiar with The Miracle Morning, you can visit my post here where I briefly talk about it. I initially tried The Miracle Morning the way Hal Elrod prescribed it–Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, Scribing.Read More →

How many mornings have you found yourself scrambling around, doing ten things at one time, just trying to make it out the door? Me too. I’m sure it’s not as difficult for me as it is for some with multiple children or slightly older children–teeth to brush, breakfasts to make, bags to pack–but even with one it can be a struggle.Read More →